Spanish Language Arts (SLA) Guidelines

Improve your Spanish Language Arts (SLA) materials as part of a Dual Language or Bilingual program with our free, comprehensive tool. The SLA Guidelines are organized into five areas of focus, sequenced intentionally to support content developers best. We also offer the Guidelines in Spanish and English.

I: Materials Value and Honor the Spanish Language, Its Varieties, and Their Cultures (Distinct From English)
Materials Reflect Structures and Traditions of Spanish Literacy, from Foundational to Advanced
Materials Reflect, Value, and Utilize Students’ Linguistic Gifts
Materials Reflect the Sociocultural and Linguistic Hybridity of U.S. Bilingual-Bicultural Students and Families
Materials Integrate a Linguistically Inclusive Approach to Assessment

Who Should Use These Guidelines?

The Spanish Language Arts Guidelines that follow provide publishers guidance in the development of high-quality Spanish language arts materials. ELSF believes these Guidelines will benefit those who play a role in ensuring teachers have access to curricular materials that are high-quality and consider the needs of all students, while respecting and honoring the Spanish language.  Audiences may include:

  • Content developers
  • Professional learning communities
  • Education leaders considering new curriculum

How are they structured?

The Guidelines are organized into five areas of focus, sequenced intentionally to best support content developers. Content developers may also want to review the Benchmarks of Quality for Spanish Language Arts, which are materials specifically designed for states and districts to better understand what quality SLA materials should look like.


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