Finding the Right Fit: Selecting a Professional Learning Partner for Multilingual Learners

Choosing the right professional learning partner is essential for advancing equitable outcomes for multilingual learners. That is why ELSF is partnering with Rivet Education to ensure that educators have the support they need to choose the right PL partner. In this blog published on Rivet’s website, we explore key considerations for selecting a partner that aligns with instructional goals and fosters meaningful student success. From ensuring high-quality instructional materials to prioritizing language development, the right fit can make all the difference.

ELSF’s Joanna Yip, Consultant and Chalon Jones, Instructional Specialist, explain how to find the right professional learning partner.

Download the printable version of the “Guide to interviewing professional learning partners” co-published with Rivet Education.

The mission of the English Learners Success Forum (ELSF) is to collaborate with field-leading researchers, district leaders, teachers, content creators, and education funders to improve the supply and accessibility of high-quality K-12 mainstream instructional materials that address the linguistic and cultural needs of ELs while building smart demand to reach educators at scale – all with the goal of providing ELs full access to grade-level content and quality learning. Unlike most efforts that aim to improve EL learning outcomes, ELSF focuses exclusively on ensuring that full-year core instructional materials guide teachers in addressing these students’ varying needs.


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