Science Guidelines

Improve your Science and Engineering materials with our free, comprehensive tool. The Science Guidelines are organized into five areas of focus, sequenced intentionally to best support content developers.

I: Interdependence of Science and Language Learning
II: Leveraging Students’ Assets
III: Assessment for Science and Language Learning
IV: Supports and Structures for Science and Language Learning
V. Metalinguistic and Metacognitive Awareness
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Who Should Use These Guidelines?

ELSF believes these Guidelines will benefit those who play a role in ensuring teachers have access to curricular materials that are high-quality and consider the needs of all students, including multilingual learners. Audiences may include:

Content developers

Ideally integrated into the design, prototyping, or creation of any new curricula, these Guidelines can be used by any developer of curriculum, which may include publishers, state education agencies, districts, schools, or teachers. Additionally, those seeking to adapt or enhance current materials to be more inclusive of the needs of multilingual learners can use the Guidelines to self-assess and revise materials to reflect the strategies and practices within each Area of Focus.

Professional learning communities

ELSF believes content and language learning should be simultaneous. Leaders who are looking for practical ways to support science teachers with multilingual learners in their classrooms could consider using the Guidelines within professional learning communities or to ground conversations within professional learning experiences.

Education leaders considering new curriculum

At minimum, each of the Guidelines should be reflected in high-quality core science materials that claim to be inclusive of the needs of multilingual learners. Leaders may use the Guidelines as a tool for reflecting on current support for multilingual learners, finding gaps, and determining appropriate actions to meet the needs of multilingual learners.

How are they structured?

The Guidelines are organized into five areas of focus, sequenced intentionally to best support content developers. The five science Areas of Focus are shared along with 15 Guidelines, which are intended to be continuously integrated throughout the design of a curriculum.

We then provide detailed specifications that accompany each guideline. These specifications include explanations, suggestions, strategies, supports, and examples that demonstrate how the Guidelines can be operationalized in materials development.

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